Daily One Hot Intraday Tip in Equity to Get You Profit by 11 AM EveryDay.

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Daily One Option in Intraday is the Order of the Day to Earn Extra Income before 11 AM.

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Past Performance Intraday Tips : Apr 2009

Script Name
Recom Price
Share Tips ( Cash or Equity Intraday Market and BTST Results Profit-Loss/ 500 Shares)
1st April Buy ONMOBILE Above 320 310 340-350 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
1st April Buy BOMDYEING Above 172 168 177-185 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
1st April Buy SAIL Above 99 97.50 102-103 Intraday Buying Not Initiated ----------
1st April Buy OFSS Above 778 770 790-810 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 16,000/-
1st April Buy WELGUJ Above 77 75.50 Exit at 84 BTST Exit at 84 Profit Rs. 3,500/-
2nd April Buy SAIL Above 99 97.50 103-105 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,000/-
2nd April Buy M&M Above 414 411 422-425 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,500/-
2nd April Buy GTOFFSHORE Above 260 255 272-280 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,000/-
2nd April Buy VOLTAMP Above 368 360 390-410 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 21,000/-
6th April Buy JETAIRWAYS Above 172 168 185-200 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
6th April Sell BHEL Below 1555 1565 1535-1525 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
6th April Buy HDFC Above 1680 1665 1720-1745-1780 BTST Exit at 1710 Profit Rs. 15,000/-
8th April Sell SBIN Below 1090 1100 1070-1050 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
8th April Buy TITAN Above 845 837 860-880 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 17,500/-
8th April Buy JINDALSTEL Above 1270 1258 1295-1310-1340 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 35,000/-
9th April Buy MUNDRAPORT Above 360 350 378-395 Intraday Open at Target ----------
9th April Buy ZEEL Above 125 122 132-138 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
9th April Buy MCDOWELL Above 705 695 720-735-748 BTST 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
13th April Buy BALRAMCHIN Above 69 68 72 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 500/-
13th April Buy ESSAROIL Above 136 134.80 139 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,500/-
15th April Buy BHARTIARTL Above 660 650 678-700 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
15th April Buy ADLABSFILM Above 240 235 248-256-268 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,500/-
15th April Buy IBREALEST Above 145 142 155-165 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
15th April Buy OFSS Above 860 850 888-920-950 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 45,000/-
15th April Buy EDUCOMP Above 2225 2210 2260-2300 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 7,500/-
16th April Buy EXIDEIND Above 49 47.50 52-54 Intraday Open at Target ----------
16th April Sell HDFCBANK Below 1070 1080 1055-1040 Intraday Exit at 1057 Profit Rs. 6,500/-
16th April Sell SBIN Below 1290 1305 1270-1250 Intraday Exit at 1278 Profit Rs. 6,000/-
16th April Buy TATATEA Above 680 676 692-700 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,000/-
16th April Buy BPCL Above 385 381 398-408 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
16th April Buy TCS Above 580 570 595-610 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 5,000/-
17th April Buy EVERONN Above 164 158 178-186 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,000/-
17th April Buy BHEL Above 1660 1650 1680-1700 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
17th April Buy PFC 153 150 Exit at 165 BTST Exit at 165 Profit Rs. 6,000/-
17th April Buy AXISBANK Above 505 502 Exit at 530 BTST Exit at 530 Profit Rs. 12,500/-
17th April Buy INDOTECH Above 320 316 330-340 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
20h April Buy INFOSYS Above 1398 1382 1415-1425 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 6,500/-
20h April Buy APIL Above 340 335 350-360 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
20h April Buy ICICIBANK Above 425 420 ------- BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,500/-
20h April Buy ADANIENT Above 350 344 Exit at 369 BTST Exit at 369 Profit Rs. 9,500/-
              Total (Profit/Loss) till 20th April Rs. 3,10,500/-

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