Daily One Hot Intraday Tip in Equity to Get You Profit by 11 AM EveryDay.

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Past Performance Intraday Tips : May 2009

Script Name
Recom Price
Share Tips ( Cash or Equity Intraday Market and BTST Results Profit-Loss/ 500 Shares)
04th May Buy ONMOBILE Above 320 313 332-348 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 14,000/-
04th May Buy MCDOWELL Above 729 724 740-750 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,500/-
04th May Buy TITAN Above 780 771 795-810 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
05th May Buy SUNTV Above 202 199 210-215 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
05th May Buy BHUSHANSTEL Above 460 455 470-475 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,500/-
06th May Sell IOB Below 63 64.50 61-59 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,000/-
06th May Buy SAIL Above 119 117 124-128 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,000/-
08th May Sell AXISBANK Below 606 611.50 595-58 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,500/-
08th May Sell DLF Below 241.50 245 235-232 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,250/-
08th May Buy EDUCOMP Above 2330 2295 2400-2420 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 45,000/-
08th May Buy ABAN Above 455 442 466-479-495 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
11th May Buy NEYVELILIG Above 103 101.50 106 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,500/-
11th May Buy ESSAROIL Above 154 150 162-175 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
11th May Buy TULIP Above 565 550 595-620 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 27,500/-
11th May Buy BAHRTIARTL Above 750 746 765-785 Intraday Profit Booked at 755 Profit Rs. 2,500/-
11th May Buy ABAN Above 454 445 475-505 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 25,500/-
12th May Buy LT Above 935 920 960-970 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 17,500/-
12th May Sell BHEL Below 1600 1609 1580-1560 Intraday Profit Booked at 1585 Profit Rs. 7,500/-
12th May Buy UNITECH Above 49 47.60 52.50-54 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,750/-
12th May Buy BANKINDIA Above 237 235 244-248 BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,500/-
12th May Buy VOLTAMP Above 465 460 480-505 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
13th May Buy MCDOWELL Above 669 660 685-700 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,500/-
13th May Buy ACC Above 619 610 628-634-640 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,500/-
14th May Buy IDFC Above 95.70 94.70 98-100 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,150/-
14th May Buy GMDCLTD Above 67 66 70-72 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
14th May Buy NMDC Above 218 216 224-228 Intraday Profit Booked at 222 Profit Rs. 2,000/-
14th May Buy ESSARSHIP Above 54 52.80 58-61 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,500/-
14th May Buy TULIP Above 575 565 595-620 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 5,000/-
15th May Buy TATAMOTORS Above 273 270 278-282 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,500/-
15th May Buy 3i INFOTECH Above 60 58 64-67 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,500/-
15th May Buy REIAGROLTD Above 58 57 63-65 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
15th May Buy HMT Above 45 44.20 48.50-52 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 400/-
19th May Buy TRIVENI Above 71.50 70 74-76 Intraday Exit at Cost to Cost 71.50 ----------
19th May Buy GMRINFRA Above 145 143.50 150-154 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,500/-
19th May Sell BHEL Below 2300 2320 2260-2230-2190 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 55,000/-
20th May Sell RELINFRA Below 1062 1080 1035-1000 Intraday Open at Target ----------
20th May Buy GTOFFSHORE Above 288 285 310-335 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 23,500/-
20th May Buy SUZLON Above 91.50 91 96.50-98 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,000/-
20th May Buy BEL Above 1220 1210 1260-1300 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 40,000/-
21st May Buy CESC Above 365 360 378-405 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,000/-
21st May Buy VSTIND Above 348 335 380 Intraday Profit Booked at 375 Profit Rs. 13,500/-
21st May Buy TATACHEM Above 239 233 244-249 BTST 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
22nd May Buy AIAENG Above 213 210 220-222 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,500/-
22nd May Buy APIL Above 440 430 458-475-490 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
22nd May Buy RALLIS Above 640 630 665-685-705 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 32,500/-
25th May Buy MARICO Above 69 67.50 75-79 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 750/-
25th May Buy APIL Above 453 443 475-504 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 5,000/-
25th May Buy NIRMA Above 148 145 154-162 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,000/-
26th May Buy JPHYDRO Above 64 62 68-70 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,000/-
26th May Buy SUZLON Above 92 89 95.50-103 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,500/-
26th May Buy RELIANCE Above 2140 2125 2185-2205 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 32,500/-
27th May Buy AXISBank Above 760 750 785-800 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
27th May Buy ACC Above 722 715 738-760 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,500/-
27th May Buy BHARTIARTL Above 760 750 780-800-820 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 30,000/-
27th May Buy LT Above 1305 1290 1340-1360 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 27,500/-
28th May Buy BHARTIARTL Above 798 790 810-820 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,000/-
28th May Buy JETAIRWAYS Above 296 289 312-330 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,500/-
28th May Buy JETAIRWAYS Above 292 288 310-330 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
28th May Buy ICICIBank Above 715 702 752-775 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 18,500/-
28th May Buy AXISBank Above 780 770 810-830 BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
29th May Buy AIAENG Above 254 247 259-265-273 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,500/-
29th May Buy TISCO Above 399 396 406-410 Intraday Profit Booked at 401-403 Profit Rs. 2,000/-
29th May Buy MLL Above 64.45 63.50 67 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 475/-
29th May Buy BALLARPUR Above 25 24 27-28 Intraday + BTST Position Open ---------
29th May Buy IOC Above 652 640 672-685-700 BTST Buying Not Initiated ---------
29th May Buy RIIL Above 1095 1085 1115-1145 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 25,000/-
              Total (Profit/Loss) till 29th May Rs. 5,79,025/-

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