Daily One Hot Intraday Tip in Equity to Get You Profit by 11 AM EveryDay.

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Daily One Option in Intraday is the Order of the Day to Earn Extra Income before 11 AM.

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Past Performance Intraday Tips : Sep 2009


Script Name
Recom Price
Share Tips ( Cash or Equity Intraday Market and BTST Results Profit-Loss/ 500 Shares)
1st Sept Buy ROLTA Above 179.50 175 186-195 Intraday Profit Booked at 184 Profit Rs. 2,250/-
1st Sept Buy TITAN Above 1230 1225 1250-1285 Intraday Profit Booked at 1248 Profit Rs. 9,000/-
1st Sept Buy TECHM Above 990 984 1015-1030-1050 Intraday Profit Booked at 1008 Profit Rs. 9,000/-
1st Sept Buy GATI Above 56 54.50 62-66 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,000/-
1st Sept Buy VOLTAMP Above 835 825 870-900 BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 17,500/-
2nd Sept Buy AXISBANK Above 898 891 908-915 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,500/-
2nd Sept Buy AXISBANK Above 884 878 899-909 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 12,500/-
2nd Sept Buy ADSL Above 472 468 492-510-530 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
2nd Sept Buy ACKRUTI Above 562 560.50 580-588 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 13,000/-
3rd Sept Buy ICICI Bank Above 745 739 754-762 Intraday Profit Booked at 751.50 Profit Rs. 3,250/-
3rd Sept Buy VOLTAMP Above 820 810 840-865-880 BTST Profit Booked at 832 Profit Rs. 6,000/-
3rd Sept Buy GLAXO Above 1465 1455 1485-1510 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 5,000/-
4th Sept Buy TULIP Above 1010 1005 1050-1075-1100 Intraday Profit Booked at 1035 Profit Rs. 12,500/-
4th Sept Buy AXISBANK Above 895 885 915-935 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
7th Sept Buy BAJAJHLDNG Above 474 479 491-500 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,500/-
7th Sept Buy ESSAROIL Above 155 152 159-162 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,500/-
7th Sept Buy TECHM Above 960 950 1000-1020 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 30,000/-
8th Sept Buy INDIABULLS Above 203 201.50 212-218-224 Intraday Profit Booked at 207 Profit Rs. 2,000/-
8th Sept Buy ADSL Above 490 484 540-570 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,000/-
8th Sept Buy VTL Above 156 154 166-175 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,500/-
8th Sept Buy BEML Above 1175 1165 1250-1300 Intraday + BTST Profit Booked at 1218 Profit Rs. 21,500/-
9th Sept Buy SREINTFIN Above 74 73 77-79-82 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,500/-
9th Sept Buy RIIL Above 1120 1110 1164 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 22,000/-
10th Sept Buy TULIP Above 1025 1015 1080-1120-1150 Intraday Profit Booked at 1064 Profit Rs. 19,500/-
10th Sept Buy PURVA Above 122 121 127-130 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 500/-
11th Sept Buy EIHAHOTELS Above 95 94 100-105 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
11th Sept Buy TULIP Above 1015 1005 1045-1065 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
14th Sept Buy BHUSANSTL Above 1260 1245 1295-1320-1350 Intraday + BTST 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 30,000/-
14th Sept Buy RIIL Above 1070 1065 1110-1140 BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
15th Sept Buy DLF Above 395 390 410-420 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 12,500/-
15th Sept Buy CANBK Above 302 298 308-315 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
15th Sept Buy EIHAHOTELS Above 98 96 105-112-120 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 11,000/-
15th Sept Buy EDUCOMP Above 4140 4090 4240-4300 BTST Profit Booked at 4275 Profit Rs. 67,500/-
16th Sept Buy INDIABULLS Above 194 190 202-210. Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
16th Sept Buy BEML Above 1100 1090 1130-1150 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
17th Sept Buy BEML Above 1100 1090 1142 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 21,000/-
17th Sept Buy APIL Above 545 540 558-565 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
18th Sept Buy MCDOWELL Above 905 899 915 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
18th Sept Buy ACKRUTI Above 535 528 550-565 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 17,500/-
18th Sept Buy JAYSREETEA Above 272 269 284-292-300 Intraday Profit Booked at 281 Profit Rs. 4,500/-
18th Sept Buy TATATEA Above 910 905 930-950 BTST Profit Booked at 925 Profit Rs. 7,500/-
22nd Sept Buy DABUR Above 134 132 139-142 Intraday Open at Target -----------
22nd Sept Buy RIIL Above 1045 1035 1080-1110 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 32,500/-
22nd Sept Buy RADICO Above 120 116 126-130 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
23rd Sept Buy NATCOPHARM Above 140 138 150-160 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,000/-
23rd Sept Buy PIRHEALTH Above 372 362 400-425 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 5,000/-
24th Sept Buy JINDALSWHL Above 1505 1488 1560-1590-1610 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 52,500/-
24th Sept Buy HARRMALAYA Above 130 127 138 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,000/-
24th Sept Buy LIBERTSHOE Above 92 90 100-110 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
24th Sept Buy DLF Above 414 408 425-432 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
25th Sept Buy DIAMONDCABLES Above 213 207 220-225 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,000/-
25th Sept Buy TECHM Above 895 885 920-942 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 23,500/-
29th Sept Buy BRFL Around 221 218 228-232 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,500/-
29th Sept Buy LIBERTSHOE Above 102 98 110-115 Intraday Profit Booked at 106.50 Profit Rs. 2,250/-
29th Sept Buy RATNAMANI Above 112 110.50 117-120 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 750/-
29th Sept Buy EVERONN Above 410 400 430-448 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 14,000/-
30th Sept Buy GSFC Above 173 170 182 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,500/-
30th Sept Buy AMTEKAUTO Above 218 215 226-234-242. Intraday Profit Booked at 224 Profit Rs. 3,000/-
30th Sept Buy BRIGADE Above 123 121 132 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,500/-
30th Sept Buy BHUSANSTL Above 1295 1280 1350-1380-1410 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 57,500/-
30th Sept Buy JINDALSTEL Above 578 575 600 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,000/-
              Total (Profit/Loss) till 30th September Rs. 6,40,250/-

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