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Past Performance Intraday Tips : June 2010

Script Name
Recom Price
Share Tips ( Cash or Equity Intraday Market and BTST Results Profit-Loss/ 500 Shares)
1st June Buy AXISBANK Above 1238 1226 1255-1270-1300 Intraday Buying Not Initiated Buying Not Initiated
1st June Buy MANINFRA Above 301 297 312-322-335 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs.9,000/-
1st June Buy JUBLIANTFOOD Around 282 277.50 292-300 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs.2,250/-
1st June Sell AMRUTANJAN Below 792 805 775-760-745 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs.15,000/-
1st June Buy IBSEC Above 31 30.20 32.50-34 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 400/-
2nd June Sell TRF Below 930 938 922-910-900 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs.20,000/-
2nd June Buy TITAN Above 2218 2205 2235-2255-2275 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,500/-
2nd June Buy BANKINDIA Above 325 322.80 328-332-336 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,500/-
3rd June Buy FINANTECH Around 1360-1362 1338 1395-1420-1450 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 10,000/-
3rd June Buy INDOTECH Above 255 248 268-280 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 3,500/-
3rd June Buy LICHSGFIN Above 964-965 956 975-990 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,250/-
3rd June Buy TTKPRESTIG Above 618 605 635-650 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,500/-
3rd June Sell GLAXO Below 2080 2095 2055-2030-2000 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 12,500/-
3rd June Sell TRF Below 890 898 875-860-840 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,500/-
4th June Sell OFSS Below 2048 2058 2030-2010 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,500/-
4th June Buy JOCIL Above 268 260 280-300 Intraday Moved Fast Moved Fast
4th June Buy TATASTEEL Above 480 475 487-492-500 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
4th June Sell AUROPHARMA Below 826 831.50 810-795-780 Intraday Selling not Initiated Selling not Initiated
4th June Buy ACC Around 849-850 843 860-870 BTST StopLoss Loss Rs. 3,000/-
4th June Buy ZANDUREALT Around 3180-3200 3060 3450-3600-3800 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 50,000/-
7th June Sell MCLEODRUSS Below 179.50 182 174-170 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,250/-
7th June Buy ABB Above 862 855 875-890 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 3,500/-
7th June Buy 3MINDIA Above 2585 2550 2700-2780-2850 Intraday Booked at 2640-2650 Profit Rs. 32,500/-
7th June Buy RUBYMILLS Below 878 895 860-840 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 8,500/-
8th June Buy ZICOM Above 84 81.5 87-90-95 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,500/-
8th June Buy LICHSGFIN Around 981-982 977 992-1010 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 2,000/-
8th June Buy SUNPHARMA Around 1685-1688 1670 1715-1740-1775 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 60,000/-
8th June Buy RALLIS Above 1082 1069 1095-1110 Intraday Buying Not Initiated Buying Not Initiated
9th June Buy MANINFRA Above 312 305.50 325-340 Intraday Exited at 315 Profit Rs. 1,500/-
9th June Buy CESC Above 378 375 383-388 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
9th June Sell RECLTD Around 290 291.2 287.50-284.50 Intraday Exited to Cost to Cost Exited to Cost to Cost
9th June Buy ZICOM Above 84 81.50 87.50-92-96 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1750/-
10th June Buy DLF Above 257 254.50 262-266-271 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
10th June Buy LT Around 1644-1646 1620 1675-1695-1720 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
10th June Buy STER Above 632 628 640-650 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 2,000/-
10th June Buy SINTEXINDS Above 283 279.50 287.50-291-295 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,250/-
10th June Buy JSWSTEEL Around 1040-1045 1025 1080-1115 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 13,000/-
10th June Buy BEL Above 1695 1685 1710-1730-1750 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 30,000/-
11th June Buy EDUCOMP Above 542 530 562-585-600 Intraday Buying Not Initiated Buying Not Initiated
11th June Buy AMRUTANJAN Above 786 775 805-820 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,000/-
11th June Buy HANUNG Above 215 209.50 225-238-250 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
11th June Buy TATAMOTORS Above 772 767.50 777-780-785 Intraday Buying Not Initiated Buying Not Initiated
11th June Buy RIIL Above 770 761.50 795-810 Revised Target 850 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 40,000/-
14th June Buy MRF Above 7305 7290 7350-7380-7420 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 5,000/-
14th June Buy MRF 7298 7282 7345-7380-7425 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 31,000/-
14th June Buy TV-18 Above 89.50 88 92-94-96 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,958/-
14th June Buy KSCL Around 255 249.50 268-280-300 Intraday Exited at Cost to Cost Exited at Cost to Cost
14th June Sell GLAXO Around 2090-2088 2102 2070-2050 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
15th June Buy HERITGFOOD Above 151 148.50 156-160-164 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
15th June Buy IGL Above 242 No SL 252-260 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
15th June Sell GLAXO Below 2095 2110 2072-2050 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 14,000/-
15th June Buy MRF Above 7335 7315 7375-7420-7450 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 20,000/-
15th June Buy SOBHA Above 292 288.50 300-310 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
16th June Buy BHARATFORG Above 279 275 286-292-300 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,000/-
16th June Buy ZANDUREALT Above 3135 3118 3175-3220-3280 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 9,000/-
16th June Buy GLAXO Below 2096 2102 2082-2070 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,000/-
17th June Buy ASAINPAINTS Above 2310 2295 2335-2350-2370 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 12,500/-
17th June Buy SHOPERSTOP Above 471 465 485-500 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,000/-
17th June Buy TISCO Above 480 475 488-495-510 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,000/-
17th June Buy ESSARSHIP Above 88.50 87 92-95-98 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,000/-
17th June Buy RELIANCE Above 1070 1060 1088-1100-1125 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
18th June Sell MRF Below 7410 7428 7375-7340-7300 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 32,500/-
18th June Sell KALYANIFRG Below 185 188 180-175 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 25,000/-
18th June Buy STCINDIA Above 422 416 435-450 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
18th June Buy AXISBANK Above 1215 1202 1230-1250 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 19,000/-
18th June Sell TTKPRESTIG Below 875 885 855-830-800 Intraday Booked at 860 Profit Rs. 10,000/-
21th June Buy BEML Above 1029 1015 1050-1070-1100 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 9,000/-
21th June Buy ZICOM Above 85 83.50 88-92 Intraday Made High of 87.40 & Pending Profit Rs. 15,000/-
21th June Buy CMC Above 1428 1420 1446-1470 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,500/-
21th June Buy ZEEL Above 292 288 300-306-315 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,000/-
22nd June Buy TATAMOTORS Around 800-801 794 808-818-830 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 4,000/-
22nd June Buy HCLTECH Above 392 386 398-404-410 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 3000/-
22nd June Buy RNRL Around 63-63.50 62 66-68 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 1,500/-
23rd June Buy INDOTECH Above 258 254 270-285 Intraday Booked at 265 Profit Rs. 3,500/-
23rd June Buy BAJAJ-AUTO Above 2340 2325 2360-2385-2410 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 62,500/-
23rd June Buy UTVSOF Above 398 394 404-412-420 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,000/-
24th June Sell BEL Below 1786 1800 1765-1745-1725 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 33,000/-
24th June Buy INDOTECH Above 260 245.50 272-285 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,500/-
24th June Buy ZUARIARGO Above 698 693 712-725-750 BTST StopLoss Loss Rs. 900/-
25th June Buy BFUTILITIE Above 707-708 No SL 730-750-770 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 11,500/-
25th June Buy HINDUJAFO Above 119 118 123-126-130 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,000/-
25th June Buy JSWSTEEL Above 1058 1045 1090-1120-1150 BTST Booked at 1088 Profit Rs. 15,000/-
28th June Buy AUROPHARMA Above 888 882.50 900-910 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,500/-
28th June Buy RELCAPITAL Above 780-782 775 795-810 BTST StopLoss Loss Rs. 2,500/-
29th June Buy TULIP Above 865 856 878-890-920 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,500/-
29th June Buy COLPAL Above 850 840 865-880-900 Intraday Booked 856.75 Profit Rs. 3,500/-
30th June Buy MOSERBAER Above 68 66 71.50-75 Intraday Made High of 69.25 & Pending Made High of 69.25 & Pending
30th June Buy ZICOM Above 85.50 84 88-90 Intraday Booked at 87.50 Profit Rs. 1,000/-
30th June Buy BOSCHLTD Above 5460 5420 5515-5575-5620-5700 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs. 20,000/-

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