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Past Performance Intraday Tips : Feb 2011

Script Name
Recom Price
Share Tips ( Cash or Equity Intraday Market and BTST Results Profit-Loss/ 500 Shares)
1st-Feb-2011 Buy BFUTILITIE Around 718-719 714 732-750 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.12,500/-
2nd-Feb-2011 Sell TULIP 165 168 158-155 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.5,000/-
2nd-Feb-2011 Buy PIONDIST Around 86.50-86 84.50 95-104 Intraday Moved fast and Made High of 94 Moved fast and Made High of 94
2nd-Feb-2011 Buy APIL Above 580 577 590-600 Intraday Stoploss Loss Rs.1,500/-
2nd-Feb-2011 Buy BRITANAIA Above 382 378 392-405 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.6,000/-
3th-Feb-2011 Buy PIONDIST Around 80 79 86-92 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.2,750/-
3th-Feb-2011 Buy EVERONN Above 595 587 610-630 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.1,500/-
3th-Feb-2011 Sell SRTRANSFIN Around 658-660 672 640-620-600 Intraday Stoploss Loss Rs.6,000/-
3rd-Feb-2011 Sell EVERONN Below 583 586.50 575-570 Intraday Stoploss Loss Rs.4,000/-
3th-Feb-2011 Buy TIDEWATER Around 6950-6945 6920 7050-7170-7300 BTST Target Archived Profit Rs.1,10,000/-
4th-Feb-2011 Buy MRF Around 5985-5980 5960 6050-6100-6150 Intraday Profit booked at 6040 Profit Rs.30,000/-
4th-Feb-2011 Sell MCDOWELL Around 1188-1190 1205 1170-1150 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.20,000/-
4th-Feb-2011 Buy TTKPRESTIGE Around 1765-1762 1750 1810-1855-1900 Intraday Profit booked at 1095 Profit Rs.15,000/-
7th-Feb-2011 Sell EDUCOMP Below 440 454 442-435 Intraday Exit at Cost Exit at Cost
7th-Feb-2011 Buy EVERONN Around 581-580 570 600. Intraday Stoploss Loss Rs.5,000/-
7th-Feb-2011 Sell BGRENERGY Below 540 548 528 Intraday Made Low of 536 Made Low of 536
8th-Feb-2011 Sell TTKPRESTIG Around 1642-1645 1655 1620-1590-1560 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.24,500/-
8th-Feb-2011 Sell ACC Below 982 995 975-965-955 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.9,000/-
8th-Feb-2011 Sell AEGISCHEM Below 280.50 283.50 275-270 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.1,500/-
9th-Feb-2011 Sell BPCL Below 588 598 574 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.6,000/-
9th-Feb-2011 Sell ABIRLANUVO Around 739-740 746 732-720 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.6,000/-
9th-Feb-2011 Buy TCS Above 1121 1110 1140 Intraday Exit at Cost Exit at Cost
9th-Feb-2011 Sell OFSS Around 2065-2068 2092 2025-1980 Intraday Made low of 1963 but we exit at cost. Sell call given at 2070 Made low of 1963 but we exit at cost. Sell call given at 2070
10th-Feb-2011 Buy TITAN Around 3122-3120 3100 3200 BTST Stop Loss Loss Rs.7500
10th-Feb-2011 Buy INFOSYSTCH Above 3080 3065 3120 Intraday Stop Loss Loss Rs.5000
10th-Feb-2011 Sell TTKPRESTIG Below 1490 1505 1440-1395-1350 Intraday Stop Loss Loss Rs.7500
10th-Feb-2011 Sell JSWSTEEL Around 792-794 806 770-750 Intraday Exit at 792 Profit Rs.1500
10th-Feb-2011 Buy GLODYNE Above 390 385 410 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.10,000/-
11th-Feb-2011 Sell SIMPLEXINF Below 318 322 312-305-298 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.5,000/-
11th-Feb-2011 Sell OFSS Below 1999 2015 1960-1920-1880 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.20,000/-
11th-Feb-2011 Buy TATAMOTORS Around 1110-1105 1080 1160-1205-1260 Delivery Profit booked at 1135 Profit Rs.15,000/-
14th-Feb-2011 Buy ANANTRAJ Around 95.50-95 93.50 100-105 Intraday Exit at Cost Exit at Cost
14th-Feb-2011 Sell MRF Around 6145-6140 6175 6000-5850 Intraday StopLoss Loss Rs.7500/-
14th-Feb-2011 Buy RSWM Above 163 160 170-180 BTST - -
14th-Feb-2011 Buy OFSS Above 2100 2085 2140-2180-2220 Intraday Booked at 2124 Profit Rs.12,000/-
15th-Feb-2011 Sell JSWSTEEL Below 885 900 820 Intraday Profit booked at 1135 Profit Rs.10,000/-
15th-Feb-2011 Sell REL-INFRA Around 626-628 636 600-580 Intraday - -
15th-Feb-2011 Buy VINYLINDIA Above 11.35 10.50 12.50-14 BTST Target Archived Profit Rs.6,25/-
16th-Feb-2011 Buy ACC Below 1000 1005 988-975 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.7,000/-
16th-Feb-2011 Sell ABB Below 663.50 666 655-642 Intraday Exited at 661 Profit Rs.1500/-
16th-Feb-2011 Buy JINDALPOLY Around 492-494 478 525-560-590 BTST Made High of 502 Profit Rs.5,000/-
17th-Feb-2011 Sell EVERONN Around 634-635 642 615-610 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.32,500/-
17th-Feb-2011 Sell MRF Below 6140 6160 6060-6000-5920 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.3,500/-
17th-Feb-2011 Sell BFUTILITIE Below 785-784 800 750-720 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.7,500/-
17th-Feb-2011 Buy TATACOFFEE Around 579-578 572 592-604 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.9,000/-
18th-Feb-2011 Sell MRF Below 5930 5950 5880-5840 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.27,500/-
18th-Feb-2011 Buy BALAMINES Above 40 39 43-46.50-50 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.1,000/-
18th-Feb-2011 Buy ABAN Above 605 600 620-640 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.3,000/-
18th-Feb-2011 Sell TIDEWATER Below 6620 6640 6570-6530-6480 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.70,000/-
18th-Feb-2011 Buy DRREDDY Above 1537 1526 1558 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.8,500/-
21th-Feb-2011 Sell TITAN Around 3275-3270 3305 3225-3150 Intraday Target Archived
21th-Feb-2011 Buy MINDTREE Above 415 410 430-445 Intraday Booked at 425
21th-Feb-2011 Sell SBIN Below 2750 2760 2735-2720-2700 Intraday Stop Loss
22th-Feb-2011 Buy RALLIS Above1265 1250 1300-1340 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.12,000/-
22th-Feb-2011 Sell CUMMINSIND below 657 666 645-632-620 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.8,500/-
22th-Feb-2011 Sell BANKBARODA Around 892-890 905 845-805 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.7,500/-
23th-Feb-2011 Sell TTKPRESTIGE Below 1735 1750 1680 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.1,500/-
23th-Feb-2011 Sell SWARAJENG below 435 444 418 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.3,000/-
23th-Feb-2011 Buy IPRINGLTD Above 78.50 77 84-89-94 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.3,000/-
23th-Feb-2011 Sell BFUTILITIE below 740 750 715-690 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.7,500/-
23th-Feb-2011 Buy ACC Above 1012 1000 -- BTST -- --
24th-Feb-2011 Sell BAJAJHLDNG Below 740 748 722-705 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.5,000/-
24th-Feb-2011 Sell TATAMOTORS Below 1139 1150 1120-1100-1080 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.21,500/-
24th-Feb-2011 Sell BFUTILITIE Below 730 742 710-690-665 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.10,000/-
25th-Feb-2011 Sell FOSECOIND Below 450 458 435-420-400 Intraday Exit almost at Cost Exit almost at Cost
25th-Feb-2011 Sell JSWSTEEL Around 855-856 865 830-805 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.5,000/-
25th-Feb-2011 Sell TTKPRESTIG Below 1705 1718 1660-1620 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.20,000/-
28th-Feb-2011 Sell TATAMOTORS Around 1088-1090 1105 1060-1030 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.8,500/-
28th-Feb-2011 Sell APOLLOHOSP Below 460 468 440-415 Intraday Selling not Executed Selling not Executed
28th-Feb-2011 Buy BRFL Above 250 244 258-266-274 Intraday Buying not Executed Buying not Executed
28th-Feb-2011 Sell TTKPRESTIG Below 1710 1722 1680-1650 Intraday Target Archived Profit Rs.16,000/-

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